关于「 teresa」的内容列表

SEC Chair Candidate Teresa Calls for "Making Cryptocurrency Great Again"

Teresa Goody Guillen, a former SEC lawyer and partner at Baker Hostetler, called for "Make Crypto Great Again." Previously, sources familiar with the matter revealed that the Trump team is considering appointing Teresa Goody Guillen as SEC chair.

2024-11-22 22:51:49

曾经在SEC任职、加密律师兼Baker Hostetler合伙人Teresa Goody Guillen呼吁“让加密货币再次伟大”(Make Crypto Great Again)。 此前知情人士透露,特朗普团队考虑任命Teresa Goody Guillen担任SEC主席。

2024-11-22 22:51:49
JPMorgan Chase: Fed Expected to End Balance Sheet Reduction in Quarter 1, 2025, Not Before End of 2024

With liquidity conditions returning to normal after the end of October, strategists such as JPMorgan's Teresa Ho expect the Fed to end quantitative tightening (QT) in the first quarter of 2025, a process previously expected to be completed by the end of 2024. Increasing supply of US treasury securities and repo, and money market funds looking to expand into longer maturities amid waning expectations of easing, have pulled more money from the Fed's overnight reverse repo facility.

2024-11-08 21:59:01

摩根大通Teresa Ho等策略师预计,鉴于流动性状况在10月底之后已经恢复正常,美联储将于2025年一季度结束量化紧缩(QT,即缩减资产负债表),此前预计会在2024年年底之前完成这个过程。美国国库券和回购供应双双增加、货币市场基金在宽松预期减弱的情况下寻求向更长期限拓展,均从美联储的隔夜逆回购工具中抽走了更多资金。

2024-11-08 21:59:01

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